
ILL is expensive. This fact is clearly undeniable. In addition to treasure spent, ill also reduce the welfare and happiness. What's the fun wealthy but sickly?
By the way, what ill do with financial planning? Proverb says, willing umbrella before it rains. Well, in order to face the pain that can come at any time, to plan health care costs, especially in retirement, obviously absolutely necessary.
In short, health is maintained family safe through every man's dream. Therefore, we must prepare the way health care for families.
Of course, the easiest and cheapest way to maintain health is to exercise and healthy lifestyle. However, we often forget the little things that because of busy everyday life. As a result, pain is always ahead, and we have to spend a lot of medical expenses.

This is where the importance of planning and setting up health costs. Understandably, the cost of expensive treatment is easy to grind our money, could even spend all our possessions. Hence, all people need health care, without exception.

Shall have

One of the easiest ways to anticipate the needs of the cost of care is through health insurance. In fact, in financial planning, health insurance becomes mandatory menu, other than life insurance, critical illness protection, and accident insurance.

If your income purely from a business for yourself, there's nothing wrong aside some money to buy health insurance. If you are an employee and your employer has to bear the medical expenses, there remains also a good idea to take health insurance if it is still lacking.

Advice of financial planners, first, before choosing health insurance, you should know the track record of family health. This knowledge is useful to ensure the presence or absence of disease is declining, such as diabetes or diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart.

If you are from families with hereditary diseases, the health insurance or life insurance with the added benefit of protection against the risk of these diseases could be an option. Terms in the insurance industry is a critical illness. Advice of financial planners, buy a policy with the most complete disease protection.

Second, try to calculate the cost if you are exposed to these diseases now. With these calculations, you will get the exact numbers and approaching the real needs. Every year re-do the calculation, because the cost of hospital increases with inflation.

Third, when you buy health insurance, insurance companies are doing research on good and fast in terms of payment of claims. This is useful to know the quality of hospital service if you later treated there. Understandably, despite the ban on discriminating service for patients, practices in the field showed that hospitals often reluctant to serve clients of health insurance from insurance companies are slow to pay claims or problematic.

Fourth, choose a health insurance card with the claims system, not the alias reimbursements billed later. Therefore, the insured can be directly served only by showing membership card. The cards also useful if the insured does not hold cash.

Fifth, choose the minimum health insurance benefits have inpatient facilities. Hopefully we can determine the class room admissions according to ability and desires. so we choose the insurance ceiling per illness, not a ceiling per action. In this way, the coverage is more practical.

Last or the sixth, health insurance should not be combined with life insurance or investments. Not only the results are less than the maximum, tariff policy can be more expensive, so in fact not optimal to protect our health.

In order for payment of premiums feels light, preferably a source of payment of annual bonus from work. It's better if you pay attention to when it will receive a bonus to pay for insurance. If you are part-time workers, the collection of cash in a separate account can be a solution.

Despite pocketing a health insurance policy, you should also prepare a health reserve fund. Therefore, most health insurance only cover the cost of inpatient care, not outpatient. Ideally, someone set aside funds of between 2.5% to 5% of their income for health care savings are.

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