
Employee Benefit Programs

Insurance World - In an era of dynamic economic and business world that is still heavily influenced the global economic crisis, every business organization will continue its efforts to keep growing and expanding ongoing.

In this case, each company seeks to empower all the potential to
they still exist in terms of market control, improve service to consumers, the appearance of a variety of innovative things, and increase productivity. These developments lead to the balance of achieving the mission and goals of all stakeholders (stakeholders), including efforts to achieve profits in order to ensure sustainability (sustainability) of business leadership in the future.

 Along with the swift currents of globalization which has implications for the opening
cross-border and inter-state traffic information and opportunities in it, no doubt any businesses will be directly involved in competition and competition is increasingly fierce. One important thing is that each organization will continue its efforts to collect and retain human resources (HR) superior. Success in this regard will facilitate the wheels of business to achieve the various targets that have been defined.

 In this context, there are many organizations that implement corporate human resource strategy as one of competitive advantage (competitive advantage) in the framework of overall corporate strategy. The strategy is closely related to the implementation of the strategy of total wages and benefits that are selected and operated company for each employee. In the corridors of international best practice (international best practices), other than income benefits into thinking the company towards its employees, the application of a combination of life insurance protection benefits and health insurance is also an important part of human resource development strategy.

Generally, the implementation strategy is grouped into two main insurance programs, the
Program Income Protection (Income Protection) and Health Protection (Health Protection). In this edition, I'm going to nyajikan discussion with you about Income Protection Program.

 What is Income Protection Program?

Income Protection Program is a program that emphasizes protection function on the benefits of income protection for employees and family. Company fund this program in order to provide a sense of ease and comfort to the employees in carrying out duties and jobs respectively, while protecting the family income is concerned.

Realization, the company provides insurance protection in the form of compensation to employees and their families when misfortunes befall employees who relevant. Income Protection Program generally covers and consist of two types of insurance coverage, ie Insurancedan Disability Life Insurance. First, the company implemented a Disability Insurancekepada employees with the purpose of providing benefits and compensation in case of accidents that befall them.

Generally, the company sponsoring this program to provide benefits for employees if they have an accident so concerned can not do the job as usual. Coverage of selected programs can vary, including time limits specified by the payment of benefits provided and the type and place of the accident. Second, the company sponsoring the Life Insurance program to provide a sense of ease and comfort for employees in carrying out duties and jobs respectively.

 In this case, the company provides life insurance protection in the form benefit or payment of compensation to the family as an heir. When something goes wrong, for example, most companies will pay money compensation to the families of employees. The size of these benefits could be several times the basic salary received by employees. There are also companies that added benefit of compensation to the heirs if the employee dies due to accident.

 In addition, today many companies are adding old-age benefits on certain income Protection form Income program for employees or heirs of their parents throughout the day. Thus, the benefits of insurance can be a part of company strategy in order to maintain a superior human resources to ensure sustainability of the company even in difficult times like now.

 On the issue next week, I will present a discussion of the Health Protection (Health Protection) to you. Its essence, the program emphasizes the benefits of this protection in an effort to preserve and protect the health of its employees.

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