
Know Your Home Insurance

History of Home Insurance

Based on historical records in 1920 in the UK rising insurance products "Householders 'Comprehensive' which guarantees the expansion of residential buildings with fire insurance. In 1929 the expansion of insurance coupled with the risk of hurricanes and storms and explosions of the pipe
. The risk of the most highlighted for this product at first was a pipe explosion that often occurs especially during the winter which caused substantial losses for insurance companies.

Given this policy is a combination of several separate guarantees, such as fire, theft, flood, until the legal liability to third parties, then the policy is named Household Insurance building where the risk insured by Houseowners 'Policy and the contents of the building by the Householders' Policy.

Although it has been nearly a century we know of home insurance, but insurance houses, is still neglected a lot of people. In fact, external risks such as fire, natural disasters due to heavy rain is often accompanied by flooding, landslides, and incessant tornado threatens our building.
Problems buying a home in our communities so far still are at issue. On the one hand, seeing the condition of the present economic crisis hit, declining purchasing power house, on the other hand house prices continued to soar. Unfortunately, the community focus for this is still pegged to buy, not yet fully maintain. Because generally, after the ideals of buying a home is reached, the next stage which is not less important precisely overlooked, namely to maintain or defend it by using the Insurance Losses of the residence.

Advantages Become a Customer Home Insurance

1. Do not wait for disasters to come. Because the house, Like the other precious objects such as motorcycles or cars, the absolute need of protection. Not merely provide physical protection of course, but also in non-physical or financial form of insurance.

2. Customers receive financial compensation if the insured object due to direct exposure to the risks listed in the summary of the insurance policy

3. Customers will obtain costs incurred post disaster forced the insured, such as: the cost of cleaning the debris of damaged buildings, the cost of architects, building contractors or surveyors to renovate or rebuild homes after the accident the insured and also all things Environmental Hygiene at home

4. Customers will obtain excellent after sales service without having to wait for a disaster such as: information value forecasts for inflation insurance policy renewal notices to buildings and contents insured insured residential buildings with adequate and reasonable value, free checking condition of the building from termites and pests attack the house, diverse latest info from the insurer, membership automatically

Presumably, home insurance no longer just the umpteenth number after you have a home. Houses and insurance are two currencies that are not replaceable. The sooner we have insurance, the sooner our efforts to secure this long to have a home.

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