
Steps Home Insurance Claims Filing

If an when there is a fire, damage caused by disasters, and so forth on your home and its furnishings, immediately contact your insurance agent or insurance company where you insure your home, complete with the following data:

• Date of incident.
• The location of the incident.
• List of damage / loss.
• Contact person for the claim (telephone number, fax, email address etc).
• Estimated loss.

Immediately ask for a document and / or appointment adjuster Completed documents required for various types of losses:
A.    Theft:
• Letter of official claims to the services insurance company.
• Details of missing items, including detailed specifications (prepared proof of purchase to verify the value of missing items).
• Chronology of events explain the incident, including information on the last moment to see / use these items in good condition and who was first to realize the loss of the goods.
• The certificate is missing from the police.
• Offer price for the repair or replacement of missing items.

B. Damage:
• Letter of official claims to the service insurance company.
• Details of missing items, including detailed specifications (prepared proof of purchase to verify the value of missing items).
• Chronology of events explain the incident, including information on the last moment to see / use these items in good condition and who was first to realize the loss of the goods.
• The technical report of the person appointed to fix that mention the cause of the incident and the extent of damage, if it still can be repaired or not.
• Offer price for the repair or replacement of missing items.

The documents mentioned above can not be considered final, because insurance companies have the right to obtain documents and additional information about the losses above, if the documents are deemed inadequate, depending on the circumstances.

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