
Choosing Insurance Education

Unexpected events can occur. That's why we need insurance. Of all types of insurance, what about your concern? Is life insurance, car or education? We could have all three at once because it has become the family's needs. Well, this time we will try to highlight the insurance education. As a person who may still lay insurance, you are confused how to calculate and prepare the children's education fund.

Suppose you are a young couple with a child and have income only $ 2 million a month. If you could only save money, how much money should you set aside each month?

Insurance education has the characteristics of the investment decision can be customized with your child's school schedule and provide a protective function. This means the availability of children's education funds remain secure despite the risk of death to happen to you.

Education insurance is insurance that offers two utility (dual purpose), which is a function of protection and investment. Protection function will run the risk of death upon you by promising certain amount of money if you run into unforeseen occurrence. Provided the sum insured is usually adjusted with the cost of your child's education and have been agreed in the policy.

Insurance education will manage and invest some of the premium you pay. Instead of managing your money, the insurance company will provide some funds which amount has been agreed in the policy. Payment timetable tailored to your child's school time.

So for those who are low income, you do not need to force yourself to have an education fund as soon as possible and reserve funds. Try to make reasonable arrangements money. When income increases, then you can repeat the calculation and start looking for products asurasi appropriate education.

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