Property insurance is a form of insurance that protects the building and its
contents in a insurance policy, one type of property insurance is insurance for
the home. But for the contents of the building, insurance exclude goods moveable
and portable, such as portable electronic equipment, laptops, cell phones, cars
and money or jewelry. These items when needed there own insurance products.
Basic home and contents insurance
cover, usually covered in the Standard Fire
Insurance Policy which covers the four risk of loss as follows: Fire (risk
of fire due to lightning or fire risk of fire due to lightning or lightning),
Explotion (risk of fire rather than by a bomb explosion),
Airplane (risk of fire due to hit the aircraft, baggage or cargo). Service Insurance Companies typically set a standard for general insurance premiums residence of 0:58 per mile per year from the estimated value of the insured property.
Airplane (risk of fire due to hit the aircraft, baggage or cargo). Service Insurance Companies typically set a standard for general insurance premiums residence of 0:58 per mile per year from the estimated value of the insured property.
Against the value of the property
and its contents to be insured, the insurance company will do an estimate
first. Estimates are usually based on price when new was built, rather than the
acquisition value or market price. In the assessment of property called value
redevelopment (rain statement value) is defined as the cost to replace, repair,
or rebuild the property to a condition substantially equal to but not better or
more extensive than new condition. In this estimation is not taken into account
the price of land and buildings under ground (substructure) such as foundations
and basements are not counted.
Besides the risk of fire insurance coverage can be expanded up to the risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, to theft with violence, riots, civil commotion, acts of terrorism and sabotage the so-called all risk property policy.
High and low premiums specified property type, building structure and its location, size of the risk which would to born. Building wood will burn.
Property All Risks Insurance
Covers everything except listed
All Risks is a very “famoust” name amongst
other insurance types, because it covers everything (All Risks) except only a
few numbers of risks listed as exclusions
Typical Policy Inclusions
· Coverage for Riots,
Strikes, Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions
· Coverage for Typhoon,
Storm, Flood and Water Damage
· Coverage for
Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
· Coverage for Landslide
and Subsidence
Principal Exclusions
· War, civil war,
terrorism, nuclear, radioactive
· Delay, loss of market
or consequential loss
· Dishonesty, fraudulent
· Mechanical breakdown,
overheating of boilers
· Wear and tear,
inherent vice
Pollution or contamination
Property Exclusions
· Property being worked
upon / in course of construction
· Property in transit,
road vehicles, watercraft, aircraft
· Jewelry, precious
stone, work of art
· Timber, crops, animal,
bird, fish
Land, roads, railways, canals, rigs,
well, pipelines, bridges
Additional Benefits (Clauses)
- All Other Contents
- Average Relief (85%)
- Architects, Surveyors and Consulting Engineers
- Capital addition (10% of TSI)
- Civil Authorities
- Claims Preparation
- Fire Brigades Charges
- Fire Extinguishing Costs
- Impact by own vehicle
- Internal Removal
- Outbuilding
- Public Authorities
- Removal of Debris
- Reinstatement value
- Temporary Removal
- …………..
- Etc
Deductible is your own risk, amount
that will be deducted from your claim payable, for each risks or circumstances
usually set out below:
- Fire, Lightning,
Explosion, Impact of Aircraft and Smoke : NIL
- Riots, Strikes,
Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions : 10% of claim, min Rp10,000,000
- Typhoon, Storm,
Flood and Water Damage : 10% of claim
- Landslide and
subsidence : 10% of claim
- Earthquake,
Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami : 2.5% of TSI
- Others : $ 1.000
Property All Risks
In summary, It covers ………
•Fire • Lightning •Explosion •
Impact of Aircraft •Riots • Strikes •Malicious act • Civil Commotions
•Earthquake • Volcanic Eruption •Tsunami • Typhoon, Storm •Flood, Water Damage
• Burglary •Landslide • Impact of vehicle •Impact of falling trees • Architects
Fees •Fire Brigades Charges • Fire Extinguishing Expenses •Removal of
Debris • Claim Preparation Costs •Other accidental damages •and
many more
Business Interruption – optional cover
Covers Loss of Gross Profit if during the period of insurance the business
carried on by the Insured at the premises specified in the Schedule is
interrupted or interfered with in consequence of loss destruction or damage
indemnifiable under Section I (Property Damage)
Profit : Sales –
Variable Costs – Savings (Net Profit + Fixed Costs)
Rental : Rental – Savings
•Indemnity Period : 12
to 24 months
Machinery Breakdown – optional cover with sub limit
It Covers any unforeseen, sudden and
accidental physical loss, or damage from causes such as defects in casting and
material, faulty design, faults at workshop or in erection, bad workmanship,
lack of skill, carelessness, shortage of water in boilers, physical explosion,
tearing apart on account of centrifugal force, short circuit, storm or from any
other cause not specifically excluded in the General or Special Exclusions
hereinafter in a manner necessitating repair or replacement.
Every kind of occupation or business
can be insured under Property/Industrial All Risks (PAR/IAR) usually with high
value to meet the minimum premium required.
•Factory • Industrial or
Manufacturing Risks •Warehouses • Ofices •Shophouses • Schools •Hospitals•
Hotels •Malls • Container Terminal •Ship Yard • Entertainment • High rise
building •Dwelling House •and Others
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