
Insurance agents, should I?

Many people are "allergic" to the insurance agent. Perhaps the imagined in their minds is the figure of a pushy salesman into buying an insurance policy through them. Sometimes, because it was tired of "terrorized" constantly, they eventually relented to buy in order to stop annoying the agent. Or, perhaps there are some who feel cheated because it lured a sweet promises but does not match reality. Experience related to the agency became uncomfortable.

However, it is the stereotype of old days the insurance agent. Now it should be less and less so. With increasingly good education, supervision and oversight, professional insurance agents increasingly become a solid and reliable. Although insurance agents are paid by insurance companies through the commission, they can not merely pursue a commission without adjusting to the needs and explain the product in a transparent manner. The violations included in the category of weight-such as holding the premiums, for example-can cause them to lose the licensing agency and is blacklisted in the insurance industry.

The role of insurance agents

As a consumer, you are the king. You can choose anyone as your insurance agent. Choose the best and trustworthy. Make him as a consultant to evaluate your insurance complicated choices that will impact on your family finances.
Life insurance is a complex product and insurance policy is a legal contract. An agent can explain the various benefits and limitations it has, your responsibilities and rights, as well as choosing the right combination of insurance products according to your needs at the present and future. They are trained and specialize for it. Many of them even has a dozen years as an agent.
A good insurance agent will save you a lot of your time to explore your needs and find solutions. In addition, with glasses clearer as people who are not involved in your financial situation, he can offer a solution that is more realistic and objective. He can guide you find appropriate and affordable products for current and designing your insurance needs in future years based on your financial situation changes. He also can prevent you from making the wrong decision, like taking the kind of coverage that are not needed or choose unit-linked investment funds that do not fit your profile.

The task is not merely an agent to sell insurance. He is your personal financial consultant. Sell ​​the policy is not the end of your relationship with the agent, but rather the beginning of a long-term relationship between her client-consultant and your family can continue even until you are gone.

Choose the best agent

For most of you, the right action is not to avoid the agent, but selecting the right agent. You'll pay as much for poor service or a good agent. Because you can not reduce the commission agent, you should maximize the quality of service you get to choose the best. And, as with other professions such as doctors, lawyers or architects, a good agent has a long list of clients. You need a little patience to get services.

Not need an agent

A lawyer may not need a lawyer when litigants in court, an undergraduate architecture may not need an architect to design his home. Likewise, a financial expert may find it does not require agents. If you are a consumer who "advanced" (insurance savvy), you can design your own solution without the help of your insurance agent. Thus, you will save money because they do not have to pay a commission agent.
How do I? Buy a basic insurance products that do not have an investment component, such as term insurance (term life) directly to the insurance company or bank. The rest of your money can be invested in mutual funds, stocks or other instruments of your choice. This method is known by the acronym BTID (buy term invest the difference). Make sure that your family understands your financial portfolio, because if there is "something" with you is they who should be actively contacting insurance companies and banks concerned to take care of the claim and attract investment funds.

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