
Life and health insurance mostly sold through insurance agent, a few others sold through brokers and banks. Insurance agent is a person who acts for and on behalf of insurance companies in explaining and selling life insurance products and health. To become an agent, you must go through three basic processes as follows:

1. Recruitment and selection

 First, you have to follow the recruitment and selection by insurance companies. Recruitment is the process of gathering candidates interested in becoming an insurance agent. Insurance companies conduct recruitment by organizing career seminars, advertising in mass media and individual approach. Selection is the process of assessing the suitability of the candidate with the criteria of an agent. Each insurance company has its own criteria on which candidates can be appointed as an agent. However, they generally require college education or graduate with quantitative and analytical skills are adequate. Understanding in finance, accounting or economics would be useful, but not a must. Insurance companies are particularly interested in social skills, maturity and motivation to achieve success in the field of insurance sales.

2. Training and registration

After passing the selection process, you will follow the training, which include basic knowledge of insurance, product knowledge and career agency in the company concerned. The length of training varies in each company. When you pass the training criterion, which usually only the amount of presence you will be appointed as agent of the company by signing a contract / agency agreement. Your relationship with the insurance company is not an employer-employee relationship, but a partnership. In such contracts, rights and obligations of each party is explained in detail. The insurance company gives you the authority to sell its products in exchange for a compensation called a commission. How is your commission is calculated usually described in the contract.

In addition to signing the contract, you also will be submitted to professional associations. According to current regulations, you will get a temporary license. With the licensing provision of professional associations, you've pocketed a license to sell life insurance products of non unit-linked up to a certain time limit.

3. Licensing agency

To be able to continue a career as an agent, you must follow the licensing exam before the period of validity of the insurance agency license while you are gone. There are two types of licenses or certificates are given to the agent, which is licensed to sell insurance products to both traditional and unit-linked products. The second license can only be obtained if you've passed the first.
Insurance agent is an honorable profession, as other professions such as doctors, lawyers or notaries. An insurance agent can provide advice and actions that have a significant impact on the lives of its customers. Insurance agents also have a high professional autonomy. Undergo career success depends on how well and he's tenacious profession. The better the performance, the greater the revenue achieved. On paper, an insurance agent earning potential is unlimited. A top insurance agent could generate billions of dollars per year from his business. Many of those who enter into the elite club called the MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table), a membership requirement is to collect premiums $ 1 million a year. However, according to a study conducted by LIMRA research institute insurance, life insurance agents in general have to build a career for 5 years to earn a stable and prosperous.

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